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You encounter the following issue:

"Move a certificate from Microsoft IIS 5 6 and 7 to Tomcat"


Note:  PKCS12 keystore type is only supported with JDK 1.5.x+

  • Step 1:  Export the certificate from IIS as a .pfx file

Export the certificate along with its private key from IIS 5 6 and 7.

  • Step 2:  Point Tomcat to the new Cert
  1. Open %TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml in XML or text editor9such as NotePad)

  2. Uncomment the SSL Connector if it is not uncommented already
  3. Add the following attributes:
    keystoreFile=”c:\PATH TO CERT.pfx” keystorePass=”PASSWORD HERE”

  4. Stop Tomcat and rename the latest log file
  5. Restart Tomcat then examine the log file. It should be no more than approximately 30 lines and contain no warnings.
  6. Point the browser to https://localhost:8443. If it doesn’t load look in the log files to identify the problem.


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